1856 - St. Immanuel's Evangelical German Lutheran Cemetery established.
1858-1875 - German Lutherans worshiped in the Tracy United Methodist church.
1875 - February 23 - Congregation organized and 23 members signed the constitution.
1875 - April 24 - a tract of land was purchased.
1875 - June 13 - new church building dedicated.
1876 - March 25 - 1 1/2 acres purchased for a cemetery.
1882 - Schoolhouse built and Christian Day School established.
1885 - September 30 - parsonage built & finished north of cemetery.
1895 - Congregation became affiliated with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.
1895 - First English sermon delivered in the church at a mission festival.
1908 - January 1 - church constitution changed to allow English sermons on the 4th Sunday of the month.
1910 - February 20 - English sermons allowed 3 times a month. School to be taught in English.
1911 - Steeple & bell added to church.
1923 - April 15 - resolved to have church constitution translated to English.
1924 - May 4 - decided to tear down school & remodel church, including the basement & new furnace.
1928 - January 1 - donation of a new picture behind the altar.
1928 - August 17 - two acres purchased for a new cemetery.
1937 - January 1 - discontinue German services.
1940 - electric lights added to church.
1942 - July 5 - Ladies Aid joined Lutheran Women's Missionary League & Young Peoples Society joined the Walther League.
1943 - September 8 - new stained glass windows installed in church.
1953 - August 25 - became a dual parish with St. Matthew, Hamlet.
1958 - April 26 - decided to purchase a new altar & dossal curtain.
1969 - new pews installed.
1971 - cross installed on the steeple.
1973 - January 29 - Youth Group constitution approved.
1973 - November - new lights installed in church nave.
1975 - March 30 - groundbreaking for new Fellowship Hall.
1998 - Spring - the church interior was redecorated after the ceiling fell.
2005 - Fall - no longer a dual parish with Hamlet.