Cemetery Information
For a list of those buried in the cemetery go to www.FindAGrave.com.
Search Cemetery by location, enter: Tracy, La Porte County, Indiana.
The US flags and holders on the graves of veterans are the responsibility of the American Legion Post in Kingsford Heights, IN.
Cemetery Rules
Section 4
A. Every Lot or Grave owner has a right to erect a monument, either of stone, granite or
marble. All stones must have footings, not above ground, but level with the ground and extend out at least 4 inches around stone. Check with the Cemetery Board before placing
a stone on the Lot or Grave. This will save you the cost of removing or replacing the
stone footing if is set incorrectly. We will mark where it is to be placed.
B. Cornerstone on Lots are permitted, but no hedges, iron fences, rails, etc. are allowed. Material must be granite, brick, or cement for cornerstones No wood allowed.
Section 5
A. No plants, shrubbery, trees or anything else is permitted to be planted IN THE GROUND. Cut flowers or plants in planters or vases are allowed, but NO GLASS CONTAINERS.
B. All winter decorations are to be removed by April 1 of each year and summer decorations
by October 1 of each year. Any left on the Cemetery after these dates will be picked up
and discarded.