Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church (LC-MS)
Sunday, February 09, 2025

The Baptism of our Lord is always celebrated by the church shortly after Christmas and even more shortly after the New Year.
Some might ask, "Why was Jesus baptized? After all, He certainly didn't need to be baptized. He didn't have any sins of which to be ashamed and for which He needed to repent and be forgiven. Did He?"
Well, yes He did. He had a whole world full of sins: ours, yours and mine. "Chief of Sinners Though I Be, Christ is all in all to me; All my wants to Him are known; All my sorrows are His own." (Words from a well known hymn by William McComb.)
Jesus' baptism reminds me of just how far He was willing to go for me. He became one with me so that I could be one with Him.
All of my life, well, at least for a great part of my life, I have striven to be one with Jesus. I have striven to live in such a way that by my words and actions I would not bring shame to His name. After all, as a Christian I carry His name. Sad to say, however, that in spite of my striving I often have not been successful in this endeavor. At times like that I hope that no body is listening or watching, or at least not listening or watching very carefully.
Of course someone always is. My Lord always is. But in contrast to those who are just waiting to get the scoop on me, and most certainly in contrast to those who relish the opportunity to scrutinize my my speech and behavior so that they might have grounds to be critical of me, my Lord takes all of my shame upon Himself there in the Jordan River, and then most compassionately carries my burden to and then onto the cross. He carries that which was crushing me, and He sets me free from its terrible consequences.
May I also then look at you and my neighbor the same way, and may you and they likewise at me the same way. Remembering our Lord's baptism and our being baptized into Him equips us in this regard - to also be agents of forgiveness. Forgiveness which at the heart of God's Kingdom's business, which by the way is at the Heart of God's Kingdom Prayer, the Lord's Prayer.
Pastor David Albertin



Welcome to

Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church

New Tracy, IN

"The Little White Church in the Wildwood"

8705 S 100 E

 Hamlet, IN  46532

(La Porte County)

Our Mission: "Further the kingdom of God by inviting all in love with peace and joy in our hearts."

Contact: Pastor David M. Albertin

106 Pontiac Drive, Michigan City 46360

Phone: 219-921-9378





 9:00 AM CT





 1875 - 2025

Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church will be celebrating it's 150th Anniversary on February 23, 2025 the anniversary of it's organization and June 15, 2025 the anniversary of the dedication of the church building.

Update: after the 9 AM CT Worship Service on February 23, 2025 there will be a catered lunch. If you plan to attend the lunch please RSVP ASAP to Pastor Albertin by phone, email or by mail, to his contact information located above. Locals may sign the sheet on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall.

Former members & friends: if you cannot attend these dates, just come for worship any Sunday, introduce yourself and stay for coffee & donuts - we'd love to meet you!

The original signers of the constitution on February 23,1875 were: Johann Tonagel, Peter Hansen, Joe Bluhm, John Freese, Christopher Bass, Johann Meyer, Elias Grice, Johann Tarnow, Albert Schupneau, Ludwig Schurlke, Louis Voss, Carl Hoeppner, Detlof Wildfang, Heinrich Diedrich, Heinrick Fick, William Felten, Johann Meier, August Papke, Fredrich Wildt, Johann Martinsen, Carl Domke, Wilhelm Trost & Johann Hahn. (Underlined names are buried in the church cemetery.)

 For more information about the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod go to
Website comments or to submit a photo contact Russ Hoeppner at